6 ways to care for your mental health in the new year .
As the pandemic relentlessly drags on, many people are beginning to realise that their mental health is slipping or has decreased through the challenges we have faced in 2020. Amid stay-at-home orders, mask mandates and high unemployment rates, many are struggling with severe bouts of anxiety, loneliness and depression.
If you’re one of the many Australians suffering from any of these conditions, you must prioritise self-care in the new year. Start to create a solid foundation to recover a sense of peace in all of the uncertainty.
Endeavour to incorporate some of the healthy habits below to improve your mental health and embrace 2021 with both hands.
However small, it all counts.
1. Set Realistic Goals
| Many people enter a new year with a tonne of resolutions they wish to achieve. However, only 8% ever accomplish them. This year, create pragmatic, achievable goals. In doing so, you’ll avoid putting unreasonable expectations on yourself and prevent mental breakdowns and burnouts. On the plus side, you’ll enjoy a nice confidence boost and begin to tap into feeling like the hardworking, successful individual you are .
2. Start Journaling
If you have trouble expressing your thoughts and feelings, consider writing them down in a journal or heck any piece of paper you can get your hot little hands on. Even five minutes of journaling can allow you sift through your thoughts and emotions that may be boggling your cloudy mind. This can also help identify the source of your fears and concerns. Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page, not your mobile phone, put pen to paper. Eventually, you’ll be able to look back at your words and identify repetitive stressors so you can avoid them in the future. You will also feel a sense of achievement by forward planning and writing it down.
4. Maintain a Routine
Creating and maintaining a sustainable routine is one of the most important ways of improving your mental health. By having continuity in your daily life, you feel a sense of organisation, accomplishment by ticking off each task and relaxed about where you’re going next. Each Sunday evening, sit down and write out a plan for your week. Be sure to include meals, exercise & work schedule, house duties and of course YOU time. Begin by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day to reset your circadian rhythm. Set the do not disturb / sleep monitor on your iPhone to allow you to be accountable. Eventually, your brain and body will grow accustomed to your routine, and you won’t have to worry about what you have to accomplish next.
6. Move Your Body
While you’re out exploring our beautiful Mother Nature, don’t forget to add plenty of movement to your day. Regular exercise can minimise stress, ward off anxiety and even diminish your perception of pain. So take a hike through the bush, sign up for a yoga or dance class, play with some animals and knock a few chores off your to-do list. As you incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, you’ll enjoy a boost of endorphins, more energy and deeper sleep patterns. Ultimately, these benefits will help you combat any anxious or depressive symptoms and improve your overall mental clarify and physical health.
3. Meditate
After emptying your mind onto paper, find a peaceful, cosy place to sit or lay down. Light a candle, have a glass of water or warm tea near by, put on some rain or forest sounds, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and remain there in the quiet for a few minutes. This simple exercise is a basic form of meditation, and it can help you decrease your heart rate and improve your state of mind. Practice this mindful habit at least once a day to create a calming habit and reap the benefits.
5. Soak up the Sun
Feeling drained and unmotivated? Get outside and take in some beautiful sunshine. The sun’s rays will provide you with vitamin D, which plays an essential role in regulating mental health and cognitive function. Remember, to use SPF+ to protect your youthful skin. Spending more time in nature beneath the trees can also relieve stress and boost your mood, not to mention if you include exercise in the mix. Take a daily road trip up the bay, climb the mountain and then dip your toes in the water afterwards. Breathe in the fresh air, bask in the sun and let your worries melt to the back of your mind, just for a little while.
“Your mind is the most powerful ally you have in creating the life you want. Life begins now. ”