For anyone who knows me personally, knows I am on a mission to make a difference.
I want to inspire, motivate and transform people’s lives through movement and dance.
Kahli Saunders
Creator & Founder

We are so much more than a regular dance studio, we are an innovative collective that fosters individuality, community, positive energy and acceptance.
As we grow older, life gets busier and we tend to grow out of the things we’ve always loved
(anyone else feeling me?!)
When I found myself missing my passion, choreographing routines in my bedroom for fun, I knew it was time to share my creative drive with the outside world. Fast track a few years and we now have a large community who enjoy movement and dance on a weekly basis.
I have created this with an open mind and open heart, with no intention in the beginning to generate a business, just share the love for dance. Mental health is at the forefront of our philosophy as I want everyone to realise their story is so important and no one else can play their part.
I am forever grateful for every single soul that I have had the opportunity to teach, mentor & create art with through our shared love of dance.
Without you, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Creator & Founder
Kahli Saunders
Lifestyle Blogs
I love the challenge, it keeps dance alive for me. No matter what level you’re at, everyone is very inclusive. I have made some great friends by coming to the classes.
It’s been an incredible growth journey for me.
The classes make me feel joyful, happy and inspirational. I have gained alot of confidence by just being myself & letting things go. If you’re sitting on the fence, I definitely recommend trying a class!
It’s my happy place.